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Curam by Merative Ideas Portal

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Status Future consideration
Categories Child Welfare
Created by Prabodh Thapa
Created on Dec 28, 2023

Enhance User Experience with Wizard/IEG functionality

In CPIN Project, Users currently face a challenge when working on the wizard. When the wizard is open, it takes over the entire screen, graying out all other open tabs. This limitation poses a hurdle, particularly when the user needs to reference information from other tabs while the wizard is open.


In the process of creating contact log, requires data to be captured from several other tabs.

Users encounter a significant challenge. To compile the necessary information, they must navigate through several tabs such as participant tabs where they might want to capture the location or information from the intake narrative. Users must exit the wizard, manually copy the required information from other tabs, paste the data into an external application and again reopen the contact log and update the information.

Some users are opening the application using the same user and role in a separate browser. They copy the data from one instance and paste it into the wizard on another.

This workaround adds an administrative burden to users managing documentation within the wizard.

Users are looking for a solution to address the issue.

Customer Name MCCSS
Market Segment Eligibility & Entitlement
Type of Request Idea
Market Opportunity

This is an issue where the users cannot switch back to other tabs without exiting the wizard to copy the information leads to administrative burden to users.

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    Graham McCrindle
    Mar 18, 2024

    Hi Prabodh,

    Thank you for providing the additional information, We have now reviewed your enhancement suggestion.

    Based on the information provided, our understanding of your request is as follows:

    • Users currently face challenges when working in wizards as the wizard modal takes over the entire screen and other areas of the application can't be accessed while the wizard is open.

    • The particular example you give is using contact logs, and how users typically need to navigate through several tabs to capture information that is present elsewhere to be used in the contact log narrative. Currently, users must exit the wizard, manually copy the required information from other tabs, paste the data into an external application and again reopen the contact log and update the information.

    The theme is aligned with our current multi-year strategy for our product, and we have accepted your suggestion as a consideration for a future release. Not all items under consideration will make it into a release. As plans are confirmed, you will be notified when a specific release includes this enhancement.

    Please also be aware that we also introduced a hookpoint in to enable modals to be draggable which may help in the short term.

    A new JavaScript file "webclient/components/core/WebContent/CDEJ/jscript/curam/application/modal/ModalHooks.js" is available to allow the implementation of custom functionality to make modal windows moveable. The function enableDraggableModals(modalRoot) can be implemented in a custom component copy of this file. The modalRoot node of the modal is available within this function and can be updated to implement the required behaviour. One of the most common ways to implement this behaviour is to use event listeners that listen for users dragging the modals and update the position of the node by using the style attribute.

    Thank you for taking the time to share your ideas with us. We are committed to involving our users in building our product roadmap and appreciate your suggestions.


    Graham McCrindle, CURAM Product Management Team

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    Graham McCrindle
    Jan 23, 2024

    Hi Prabodh,

    We have reviewed your enhancement suggestion and based on the information provided, our understanding of your request is:

    • Users currently face challenges when working in wizards as the wizard modal takes over the entire screen and other areas of the application can't be accessed while the wizard is open.

    • The particular example you give is using contact logs, and how users typically need to navigate through several tabs to capture information that is present elsewhere to be used in the contact log narrative. Currently users must exit the wizard, manually copy the required information from other tabs, paste the data into an external application and again reopen the contact log and update the information.

    We would like to clarify the information you have provided and have the following additional questions to help us properly understand the specific business scenarios you are trying to support.

    1. The example given is around contact logs and the fact that the information needed to fill out a narrative is often in other locations of the application. Can you clarify what this type of information is?

    2. Are there any other scenarios or use cases besides contact logs where this challenge arises?

    3. IEG is mentioned in the title, can you elaborate on this?

    We did make an improvement to the product in v8.0.3 which you may not be aware of, specifically around contact logs and notes. This may help alleviate some of what the users are experiencing when creating a contact log. Users can now update the text of notes and contact log narratives they create or append to for a specific editable period that is set by an administrator. This allows them to make unlimited changes to their text during the editable period, giving them more time to write up and correct the details without fear of losing the information or saving an incomplete record. They can stop and start and work on other tasks in parallel. This could help when users need to look up information on a different tab, they at least could bypass the need to paste data into an external application. For more information about editing contact narratives, see the Investigations Guide and the Child Services Business Guide.

    Please provide the requested information within 30 days so we may proceed with our evaluation. If we do not hear from you within that timeframe, we will have to close the request due to insufficient information.

    Thank you,

    Graham McCrindle, SPM Product Management Team

    1 reply
  • Admin
    Graham McCrindle
    Jan 8, 2024

    Hi Prabodh,

    Thank you for taking the time to share your ideas with us. We are committed to involving our users in building our product roadmap and appreciate your suggestions.

    We will review the information you have provided and get back to you within 30 days. If additional details are required to complete our evaluation, we will send you a request for more information.

    Thank you,

    Graham McCrindle, SPM Product Management Team