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Status Not under consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 13, 2023

Update Drop-Down Search Across Worker Portal and Citizen Engagement IEG Scripts to Match Worker Portal IEG Scripts

Our client has requested the consideration to update the drop-down search option from "contains" to "starts with" followed by "contains" on the Worker Portal drop-downs (non-IEG) and across the Citizen Engagement Portal IEGs to match the modification in iFix10 for the WP IEG scripts.

Customer Name SCDHHS
Market Segment Health & Human Services
Type of Request Idea
Market Opportunity

Easier usability for citizens and workers using Curam.

Usage frequency + #/type of users impacted

Would impact all users for all day to day activities.

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    Jun 15, 2023

    Hi Tiffany,

    We have not received the additional information we previously requested from you that would allow us to fully understand and evaluate your enhancement request. Since we have not received the information within the 30-day timeframe, we are closing this request.

    If you can provide the additional information in the future, please open a new enhancement request and we will be glad to review. We do appreciate the time you take to share your ideas with us and utilize your inputs to improve our product offering.

    Thank you,

    Barbara Ridgway, SPM Product Management Team

    Apr 28, 2023

    Hi Tiffany,

    We have reviewed your enhancement suggestion and require more information to properly understand the issue and the business scenario you are trying to support.

    Based on the information provided, our understanding of your request is:

    To update the drop-down search option in the Citizen Engagement application so that is in line with the behaviour being introduced for drop-downs in the Caseworker application where it filters the values based on text entered by 'Starts with' followed by 'contains'.

    An enhancement underway to the Caseworker application will display at the top of the list options that "start with" and options containing a word that starts with the input, followed by everything else containing the input. This enhancement is designed for caseworkers who tend to become familiar with drop-down options as they frequently fill in the same forms, enabling them to filter to the most likely option with fewer keystrokes.

    Citizen Engagement portals were not targeted for this enhancement as citizens tend not to fill in the same forms frequently or become familiar with the options in a drop-down to benefit from this enhancement. Therefore the experience that is more suited to this user is to let them see the contents, so they understand what is available for selection.

    We intentionally design Citizen Engagement to be as simple and accessible experience as possible, reducing complexity where we can. Most drop-downs citizens will encounter using Citizen Engagement use the standard HTML select element. This control is one they will be familiar with from other websites and comes with distinct mobile and desktop UI, specific to their operating system. For drop-down use-cases we would generally recommend the standard select element and the combobox be used only where it makes sense.

    Can you tell us more about the use case for the citizen where they need the same behaviour as the caseworker?

    Please provide the requested information within 30 days so we may proceed with our evaluation. If we do not hear from you within that timeframe, we will have to close the request due to insufficient information.

    Thank you,

    Barbara Ridgway, SPM Product Management Team

    Apr 18, 2023

    Hi Tiffany

    Thank you for taking the time to share your ideas with us. We are committed to involving our users in building our product roadmap and appreciate your suggestions.

    We will review the information you have provided and get back to you within 30 days. If additional details are required to complete our evaluation, we will send you a request for more information.

    Thank you,

    Barbara Ridgway, SPM Product Management Team