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Curam by Merative Ideas Portal

Shape the future of Curam!

We invite you to shape the future of Curam, including product roadmaps, by submitting ideas that matter to you the most. Here's how it works:

Post your ideas

Start by posting ideas and requests to enhance a product or service. Take a look at ideas others have posted and upvote them if they matter to you,

  1. Post an idea

  2. Upvote ideas that matter most to you

  3. Get feedback from the Curam team to refine your idea

Help Curam prioritize your ideas and requests

The Curam team may need your help to refine the ideas so they may ask for more information or feedback. The offering manager team will then decide if they can begin working on your idea. If they can start during the next development cycle, they will put the idea on the priority list. Each team at Merative works on a different schedule, where some ideas can be implemented right away, others may be placed on a different schedule.

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Some ideas can be implemented at Merative, while others may not fit within the development plans for the product. In either case, the team will let you know as soon as possible. In some cases, we may be able to find alternatives for ideas which cannot be implemented in a reasonable time.

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Social Program Management Platform

Showing 531

Hierarchical code table dropshould always fully expand upon interaction

This is in response to bug >> Login as caseworkerRegister any person recordNavigate to Person HomeClick on Issues and Proceedings > Special CautionsClick on New button to create a spe...
Benoit Tremblay 6 months ago in Social Program Management Platform 2 Future consideration

Enable Task Details to be set on a Decision Activity (Workflow)

At enactment, a decision workflow does not support the setting of: • Task priority • Task initial comments • Biz object associations In fact task priority is hardcoded in the OOTB DecisionActivity code. This means that the client has to write addi...
Gary Parker 3 months ago in Social Program Management Platform 0 Under review

PEC display "The end date of the primary address has passed."

On PECs when the address that is marked primary address has been end dated the system should display the Informational message "The end date of the primary address has passed." just as it does on a none PEC. This is how the address stays in sync i...
Guest 3 months ago in Social Program Management Platform 2 Future consideration

Introduce new Task Statuses

In addition to the OOTB Open, Deferred and Closed task statuses, ESDC would like to introduce two new task statuses - Cancelled - If a task was created in error and just closed, it must be be easily differentiated from the work that is truly compl...
Guest 10 months ago in Social Program Management Platform 3 Future consideration

Cúram Batch Streaming ability to dynamically determine number of streamers

The Cúram batch streaming framework provides no ability to dynamically determine the optimal number of streams required to process the work. This presents challenges when operating a production batch schedule whereby volumes of work can change fro...
Guest over 8 years ago in Social Program Management Platform 3 Not under consideration

Improve the build and deploy times

One of the biggest challenges we are facing in our project is the amount of time it takes to build and deploy. It takes at minimum about 3 hours for us to build the codebase and another 3 hours to deploy. 6 hours to get a feedback on the code is v...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Social Program Management Platform 5 Not under consideration

Close Other Tabs

Just like Notepad++ provides an option to open many tabs and has an option to "close all but this" or "Close other tabs", a similar feature in IBM Curam Social program management product will be of immense help to the caseworkers.SAMS(Social Assis...
Guest over 6 years ago in Social Program Management Platform 3 Future consideration

PMR required for Task # 194

PMR is required to implement Task # 194 - please see details for Task in this bug: R2 Task Configuration.xlsx ( Task 194 : when Generate payment if Bank Account closed then gene...
Maya Cheng 4 months ago in Social Program Management Platform 1 Needs more information

Need character count for Narrative/Comments fields

Curam application currently displays an error message when the size of the text entered in narrative/comments field exceed permissible value. This request is to prominently display character count next to the field so users know before hand how mu...
Bijesh Edavalath Balan over 6 years ago in Social Program Management Platform 7 Future consideration

Improve Copy-Pasting Functionality in Curam Notes Editor

Currently, the Curam Notes Editor does not retain certain styling and formatting when copying and pasting notes from a Word file. The issues observed include: Icons and images are not pasted from templates. Bullet points marked as a), b), c) are t...
Guest 8 months ago in Social Program Management Platform 2 Not under consideration