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Curam by Merative Ideas Portal

Shape the future of Curam!

We invite you to shape the future of Curam, including product roadmaps, by submitting ideas that matter to you the most. Here's how it works:

Post your ideas

Start by posting ideas and requests to enhance a product or service. Take a look at ideas others have posted and upvote them if they matter to you,

  1. Post an idea

  2. Upvote ideas that matter most to you

  3. Get feedback from the Curam team to refine your idea

Help Curam prioritize your ideas and requests

The Curam team may need your help to refine the ideas so they may ask for more information or feedback. The offering manager team will then decide if they can begin working on your idea. If they can start during the next development cycle, they will put the idea on the priority list. Each team at Merative works on a different schedule, where some ideas can be implemented right away, others may be placed on a different schedule.

Receive notification on the decision

Some ideas can be implemented at Merative, while others may not fit within the development plans for the product. In either case, the team will let you know as soon as possible. In some cases, we may be able to find alternatives for ideas which cannot be implemented in a reasonable time.

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All ideas

Showing 844

Data formats

Users struggle with Date formats and all data formats.I know these can be set in FM and per report (or template). But still this is cumbersome. Since only Report Studio is effect and not the other Studio's.I would like to see a systeem wide defaul...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Business Intelligence and Analytics 2 Not under consideration

Ability to use alternate data source for BIRT

Customer requires BIRT reports to use a data source other than curamdb, to take load of the operational database. An auxillary database would instead be used, which has up to date replica of Operational DB
Garry Heap almost 4 years ago in Social Program Management Platform 7 Future consideration

Display Task and Notification Information on worker header section

OOTB a user must go to their homepage pods or in the inbox section to view their tasks and notifications. Having a top level inbox count and links on the header would help make this more real-time for workers. Users could also receive a notificati...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Social Program Management Platform 4 Not under consideration

Reject Document Uploads for Verification Items (CE Portal)

Currently, the CE Portal allows a citizen to upload a document to verify outstanding verifications created on the Worker Portal. There are currently only 2 status, Submitted and Verified. If the worker is validating the document and it is deemed i...
Tiffany Ortega almost 2 years ago in Universal Access 2 Future consideration

Support Configurable Exit Codes for chunking & streaming batches to communicate higher number of skips with a configurable exit code

Our application has several hundreds Curam batches and most of the batches use Chunking & Streaming framework. The current Curam batch framework provides two exit codes the batches 1) successful 2) failed. The exit codes do not provide a way f...
Rahul Bhardwaj almost 2 years ago in Social Program Management Platform 3 Not under consideration

Client Snaphot View

Providing a snapshot view of the Client and the most pertinent information relating to them, on a single page would be hugely beneficial to organisations. Details could include data such as: Cases they are attached to Recent payments (including de...
Jason Singleton almost 2 years ago in Social Program Management Platform 2 Future consideration

Straight Through Processing for Second Applications

Straight thru processing is not possible for second determination. Currently, OOTB Cúram creates in-edit evidence when existing Integrated Case is selected during the second application process. This prevents the successful completion of the strai...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Income Support for Medical Assistance 6 Not under consideration

Add uniformity to HCR and CGIS authorization of benefits.

The process for make a member eligible in HCR curam is very simple and straight forward. This is the system that workers in the state of SC are use to. They just authorize the application case and the system does the rest. In CGIS the worker has t...
Timothy Cozine almost 7 years ago in Income Support 9 Not under consideration

Ability to Change Primary Client on Application Case

Scottish Government have the need to change the primary client on application cases. Currently there is a manual intensive process in changing the primary client on an application case.
Gary Parker about 4 years ago in Social Program Management Platform 2 Not under consideration

Improved capabilities to support bulk payees (nominees)

Social benefits can be paid to third-parties instead of the client. In case of old age pension, these can sometimes be sent to nursing homes, retirement homes, provincial social organizations etc. Some organizations are very large and can sometime...
Guest about 1 year ago in Social Program Management Platform 3 Not under consideration