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Merative Ideas Portal

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We invite you to shape the future of Merative, including product roadmaps, by submitting ideas that matter to you the most. Here's how it works:

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Start by posting ideas and requests to enhance a product or service. Take a look at ideas others have posted and upvote them if they matter to you,

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  2. Upvote ideas that matter most to you

  3. Get feedback from the Merative team to refine your idea

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The Merative team may need your help to refine the ideas so they may ask for more information or feedback. The offering manager team will then decide if they can begin working on your idea. If they can start during the next development cycle, they will put the idea on the priority list. Each team at Merative works on a different schedule, where some ideas can be implemented right away, others may be placed on a different schedule.

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Some ideas can be implemented at Merative, while others may not fit within the development plans for the product. In either case, the team will let you know as soon as possible. In some cases, we may be able to find alternatives for ideas which cannot be implemented in a reasonable time.

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Social Program Management Platform

Showing 529

Filtering via free form text in lists

Lists within Curam SPM can often go multiple pages depending on the data (search results, configuration items) especially for hundreds of entries. The lists within Curam SPM provide sorting for each column though it can take time to navigate to fi...
Guest about 5 years ago in Social Program Management Platform 5 Future consideration

Apply custom CSS style to IEG UI comoponents

Allow customers to apply a particular CSS style to a particular User Interface component in IEG such as a Field, Label or Container. This would be used to style certain fields differently based on functional requirements to display certain data in...
Guest over 8 years ago in Social Program Management Platform 7 Not under consideration

Support Configurable Exit Codes for chunking & streaming batches to communicate higher number of skips with a configurable exit code

Our application has several hundreds Curam batches and most of the batches use Chunking & Streaming framework. The current Curam batch framework provides two exit codes the batches 1) successful 2) failed. The exit codes do not provide a way f...
Rahul Bhardwaj over 1 year ago in Social Program Management Platform 3 Not under consideration

Client Snaphot View

Providing a snapshot view of the Client and the most pertinent information relating to them, on a single page would be hugely beneficial to organisations. Details could include data such as: Cases they are attached to Recent payments (including de...
Jason Singleton over 1 year ago in Social Program Management Platform 2 Future consideration

Configuration Option to Prevent the OOTB PDF of an Application Submission Being Created

In common intake we have the OOTB worklow ProcessIntakeApplication which processes the application submission. One of the activities of this workflow is to create a PDF of the submitted data. The template used for this is very basic (format not gr...
Gary Parker over 2 years ago in Social Program Management Platform 8 Not under consideration

Incomplete Application Submissions for HCR

Both citizens and case workers must be allowed to submit applications for Medicaid with limited information and be allowed the ability to provide additional requested information in order for the system to determine eligiblity.
Guest 11 months ago in Social Program Management Platform 2 Future consideration

Support multiple bank accounts for different benefits (PDC)

SG supports multiple benefits (6 so far and Counting )and the bank details are currently stored at the Person level under OOTB Bank Evidence. Till now we have progressed with a rule that only one bank account would be supported per primary client ...
Jasper Vijayakumar over 4 years ago in Social Program Management Platform 5 Future consideration

Person Search only considers latest Name and doesnt consider the historical names

Steps to Reproduce - 1. Login as caseworker 2. Register a Person with Name as example - Tim Allen 3. Go the Registerned Name Evidence 4. Perform an effective dated evidence change and update name to - Tom Hanks 5. Go to Person Search Screen, Searc...
Mahesh Hadimani almost 2 years ago in Social Program Management Platform 3 Future consideration

Curam 7.0.11 and above should provide support for AWS EKS

Case Management Information and Payrolling System (CMIPS) for the State of California has been running on Curam platform for more than a decade now. CMIPS is a large and complex IT system due to the large number of recipients, providers, system en...
Sundar Narayanaswamy almost 2 years ago in Social Program Management Platform 2 Not under consideration

Ability to use alternate data source for BIRT

Customer requires BIRT reports to use a data source other than curamdb, to take load of the operational database. An auxillary database would instead be used, which has up to date replica of Operational DB
Garry Heap over 3 years ago in Social Program Management Platform 7 Future consideration