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Curam by Merative Ideas Portal

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We invite you to shape the future of Curam, including product roadmaps, by submitting ideas that matter to you the most. Here's how it works:

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Start by posting ideas and requests to enhance a product or service. Take a look at ideas others have posted and upvote them if they matter to you,

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  2. Upvote ideas that matter most to you

  3. Get feedback from the Curam team to refine your idea

Help Curam prioritize your ideas and requests

The Curam team may need your help to refine the ideas so they may ask for more information or feedback. The offering manager team will then decide if they can begin working on your idea. If they can start during the next development cycle, they will put the idea on the priority list. Each team at Merative works on a different schedule, where some ideas can be implemented right away, others may be placed on a different schedule.

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Some ideas can be implemented at Merative, while others may not fit within the development plans for the product. In either case, the team will let you know as soon as possible. In some cases, we may be able to find alternatives for ideas which cannot be implemented in a reasonable time.

Merative External Privacy Statement:

Status Future consideration
Created by Garry Heap
Created on Apr 18, 2023

Allow new 803 Contact Log Lucene Search to be used for Notes

No description provided
Customer Name Scottish Government
Market Segment Eligibility & Entitlement
Type of Request Idea
Market Opportunity

Saving time (potentially hours over a week) for caseworkers by being able to find specific information in Notes more quickly

Usage frequency + #/type of users impacted


CURAM:Workarounds + Proposed Solution

Workaround is user has to open each individual note, taking more time

  • Attach files
    Jun 15, 2023

    Hi Gary,

    We have reviewed your enhancement suggestion.

    The theme is aligned with our current multi-year strategy for our product, and we have accepted your suggestion as a consideration for a future release. Not all items under consideration will make it into a release. As plans are confirmed, you will be notified when a specific release includes this enhancement.

    Thank you for taking the time to share your ideas with us. We are committed to involving our users in building our product roadmap and appreciate your suggestions.


    Sheryl Brenton, SPM Product Management Team

  • Garry Heap
    Jun 8, 2023

    Although this remains an idea that I would like to be pursued, just updating here to say not a priority for SG client. Others raised by SG would be preferred before this one, hope that helps prioritise, but please still let us know if you want to discuss further, thanks

    Jun 6, 2023

    Hi Gary,

    Thank you for providing the additional information requested. Within the next 30 days we will review the details you have provided and inform you of our analysis and decision.


    Sheryl Brenton, SPM Product Management Team

  • Garry Heap
    Jun 2, 2023

    Hi Claire

    High level requirements:

    • Searching across specific application object notes e.g. Person, Case etc

    • Searching across consolidated notes e.g. where we bring notes together for Persons, Cases etc. However, this would still be across a single individual, as we would only consolidate the notes relating to them

    • Searches to be initiated from somewhere in the person record

    • Needs to be performant obviously

    Project has implemented a POC, will mail you a screenshot. Please let us know any other questions



    Apr 28, 2023

    Hi Gary,

    We have reviewed your enhancement suggestion and require more information to properly understand the issue and the business scenario you are trying to support.

    We have the following additional questions:

    • When providing caseworkers with the ability to search for text in Notes, what are your use cases, e.g. is it providing the caseworker with the ability to search for text within Notes across the context of a particular individual (i.e. Person level Notes and Case level Notes for the person’s cases), just within a particular Case, etc.

    • Where are searches expected to be initiated?

    Please provide the requested information within 30 days so we may proceed with our evaluation. If we do not hear from you within that timeframe, we will have to close the request due to insufficient information.

    Thank you,

    Sheryl Brenton, SPM Product Management Team

    Apr 18, 2023

    Hi Gary,

    Thank you for taking the time to share your ideas with us. We are committed to involving our users in building our product roadmap and appreciate your suggestions.

    We will review the information you have provided and get back to you within 30 days. If additional details are required to complete our evaluation, we will send you a request for more information.

    Thank you,

    Sheryl Brenton, SPM Product Management Team