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Curam by Merative Ideas Portal

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Status Not under consideration
Categories Appeals
Created by Sigitas Jakucionis
Created on Jun 30, 2017

Curam should allow to appeal cases which are stored outside of Curam

OOTB Curam only allows to appeal cases which exist in Curam. In reality, clients usually want to implement statewide appeal system which allows to appeal cases / decisions stored inside and outside of Curam. Custom solution is typically to create a dummy product delivery case and hide it from users.

I suggest to change product and allow to appeal external (non-Curam) cases.

Customer Name Minnesota
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  • Guest
    Sep 6, 2017

    Hi Sigitas,

    We have evaluated your request and have determined that it cannot be implemented at this time as it does not align with our current roadmap strategy and it is therefore not something that we plan to address in-product.
    We would consider it better to deliver this type of enhancement at the project level as opposed to the product level.

    Your request may be resubmitted for consideration after 12 months from the date of decline.

    Thank you for your interest in the Cúram product.
    Eloise O'Riordan, Cúram SPM Offering Management team

  • Guest
    Jul 26, 2017

    Hi Sigitas,

    Thank you for providing this information.
    We will look into this further and get back to you shortly.

    Thank you,
    Eloise O'Riordan, Cúram SPM Offering Management team

  • Sigitas Jakucionis
    Jul 23, 2017

    Both in Indiana and Minnesota Appeals implementations which I participated in, client requested to deliver Appeals system which allows to apppeals Curam and non-Curam cases, because a single Appeals agency exists which handles all statewide appeals (not Curam cases only). OOTB Appeals requires a Produce Delivery Case to exist to be able to appeal. Instead clients always need ability to appeal any case or decision by any state agency, most of which do not use Curam.

    Curam should not expect that appealed case exists in Curam.

    Currently, to be able to create an Appeals Hearing case, developers need to customize application and to create a dummy custom PDC, and then custom hide all links to this dummy PDC becaase it has no business value to the users. Instead, OOTB Curam should allow to create a Hearing case without expecting that appealed exists in Curam.

    This is how I envison it could work:
    Let worker to appeal from person page - and a wizard can let choose existing case or to indicate that appealed case is outside of Curam.
    If appealed case exists in Curam - use existing OOTB logic.
    If appealed case is outside of Curam - create a hearing case without expecting relying on Curam PDC. If technical solution requires creating dummy PDC is the background - hide the links to it.
    Instead of sending Curam tasks to appealed case owners - generate PDF letters to reach external agencies.


  • Guest
    Jul 17, 2017

    Hi Sigitas,

    In order to evaluate your request we require that you provide more detail on the business scenario you are trying to support.
    It would also be useful if you could describe how you envision caseworkers using Cúram to appeal external (non-Cúram) cases.

    Thank you,
    Eloise O'Riordan, Cúram SPM Offering Management team

  • Guest
    Jul 5, 2017

    Hi Sigitas,

    Thank you for your enhancement request.
    We require some further analysis to determine whether or not this enhancement can be considered in a future release.
    I will provide another response when our investigation is complete.

    Thank you,
    Eloise O'Riordan, Cúram SPM Offering Management team