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Curam by Merative Ideas Portal

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Status Future consideration
Created by Garry Heap
Created on Jan 28, 2022

Person Search Screen in v8 loses ability to see results without scrolling down

AFter upgrading to v8 or v801, the OOTB person search screen is harder to use. In v7, the text box titles were inline, effectively the page looked like it had 4 columns. in v8, the title is above the boxes, meaning that the rest of the content is pushed down, such that when the user performs a search, the result is not shown on the screen and the user has to scroll down. I have reproduced this in my version, also confirmed we are using OOTB screen, no customizations. See attachments. Raising on behalf of client, thanks (Related support case is WH00012376 - couldn't enter this in field below)
Customer Name Scottish Government
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Nov 3, 2023

    While this has been considered as an enhancement, in Clark County project v8 upgrade, this degradation in useability of the search screen compared to v7, is currently considered as a critical defect for go-live. We raised a support ticket (9690), and were pointed to this aha ticket. It is to be noted that the problem is particularly acute where the person search is used as the first step of a multi-page wizard, wherein the case workers are expected to search for existing person on first page, and only after inspecting the search results are expected to hit Next button of the wizard. In v7, they were used to seeing the top of search results cluster, with result count, when you hit search. There was no need to scroll down to confirm the presence of search results. Now in v8, there is a need to scroll down to ascertain the presence of search results. Caseworkers are not used to scrolling down here, and as such misinterpret that there are no search results returned. They consequently hit Next without inspecting search results. Screenshots attached comparing v7 and v8 search results. We feel this issue deserves more attention than a mere enhancement.

  • Guest
    Feb 7, 2022

    Hi Garry,

    Thanks for raising this enhancement request. We have reviewed your enhancement suggestion and based in the information provided, our understanding of your request is as follows:

    On the person search page when the user performs a search, they are unable to see any search results without scrolling down the page, which increases the amount of scrolling the user has to do.

    The theme is aligned with our current multi-year strategy for the product and we have accepted your suggestion as a consideration for a future release. As plans are confirmed, you will be notified when a specific release includes this enhancement. IBM may consider and evaluate any RFE Community feedback for this request through activities such as voting.

    Thank you for taking the time to share your ideas with us. We are committed to involving our users in building our product roadmap and appreciate your suggestions.

    Kind regards,
    Pragya Singh, SPM Product Management team
    Note: We have improved your RFE experience and transitioned to an Ideas Portal provided by our trusted business partner Aha!
    Additional details can be found here.

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Jan 28, 2022

    Hi Garry,

    Thank you for taking the time to share your ideas with us.
    We are committed to involving our users in building our product roadmap and appreciate your suggestions.
    We will review the information you have provided and get back to you within 30 days.
    If additional details are required in order to complete our evaluation, we will send you a request for more information.

    Thank you,
    Sheryl Brenton, SPM Product Management team
    Note: We have improved your RFE experience and transitioned to an Ideas Portal provided by our trusted business partner Aha!
    Additional details can be found here.