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Curam by Merative Ideas Portal

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Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 21, 2016

Currency fields do not take account of users with different locales using the same system

OOTB does not format the amount field and value depending on the user's locale. When an amount is translated to French, the display should replace the decimal with a comma and the currency sign must be appended to the amount value after a space: '0,00 $'.

Currently, OOTB only replaces the decimal with a comma.

When entering the amount into an amount field, the currency sign must be allowed to be prepended or appended depending upon the user's locale.

C�ram only has one property, np, which governs the location of the currency symbol for such fields and does not address the locale specific issue.

1. Login to SPM as admin

2. Create a new internal user 'frenchuser' and set the locale to French / Fran�ais.

3. Create a second new internal user 'englishuser' and set the locale to English / Anglais.

4. Activate the accounts and ensure both users are assigned to an appropriate position and roles, e.g. INTAKEROLE

5. Login to CW as englishuser.

6. Create a new Outcome Plan.

7. From the outcome plan Action menu, select 'New Action...' and select an action from the list that has a cost involved, e.g. 'Increase Wages'.

8. While logged in as a user configured with an English locale, the 'Estimated Cost' field is displayed as '$0.00':

9. Enter a value in this format which is the format expected by the English user, e.g. $12.34. Complete any additional required fields and click 'Next'. No error is returned.

10. Cancel the creation of the action if you wish and logout

11. Login to CW as frenchuser.

12. Again create a new Outcome Plan

13. From the outcome plan Action menu, select 'New Action...' and select the same action as before, e.g. 'Increase Wages'.

14. This time the 'Estimated Cost' field is displayed as '$0,00', with a comma ',' which is correct for the decimal in a French locale. However the currency symbol is before the amount which is incorrect for the French locale:

15. If the user tries to enter a value '12,34 $' which they expect to be able to use, an error will be thrown: "The field 'Estimated Cost' must be a valid money value.". For the end user '12,34 $' is a valid money value.

16. Entering a value of '$12,34' will be accepted in this locale, however this is considered incorrect.

Customer Name Ontario - Ministry of Community and Social Services
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  • Guest
    Aug 5, 2016


    We acknowledge that this is a valid enhancement request. It will be considered for inclusion in a future release of the product. Thank you for your interest in the Cúram product.

    Eloise O'Riordan, Cúram SPM Offering Management team