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Curam by Merative Ideas Portal

Shape the future of Curam!

We invite you to shape the future of Curam, including product roadmaps, by submitting ideas that matter to you the most. Here's how it works:

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Start by posting ideas and requests to enhance a product or service. Take a look at ideas others have posted and upvote them if they matter to you,

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  2. Upvote ideas that matter most to you

  3. Get feedback from the Curam team to refine your idea

Help Curam prioritize your ideas and requests

The Curam team may need your help to refine the ideas so they may ask for more information or feedback. The offering manager team will then decide if they can begin working on your idea. If they can start during the next development cycle, they will put the idea on the priority list. Each team at Merative works on a different schedule, where some ideas can be implemented right away, others may be placed on a different schedule.

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Some ideas can be implemented at Merative, while others may not fit within the development plans for the product. In either case, the team will let you know as soon as possible. In some cases, we may be able to find alternatives for ideas which cannot be implemented in a reasonable time.

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All ideas

Showing 844

All Relationships Should be Reciprocal

Currently, in the application not all relationships are reciprocal of each other. The following relationships are not reciprocated: Aunt In Law, Great Grand Aunt, Great Grand Nephew, Great Grand Niece, Great Grand Uncle, Nephew In Law, Niece In La...
Amber Ortman about 5 years ago in Social Program Management Platform 2 Not under consideration

Widowed should only display 1 time in Marital Status drop down

Currently Widowed is displaying twice in the marital status drop down. We are requesting an enhancement where widowed would only display 1 time in the drop down. The Open Apar was closed as a no plan to fix APAR PO04923 so we are requesting this t...
Amber Ortman about 5 years ago in Child Welfare 2 Is a defect

AES : OOTB Evidence Maintenance Pattern validations

Rules around Evidence Maintenance patterns are not enforced by AES framework during Evidence creation, modification, and deletion. Expected : Validations to be thrown by the evidence framework when data entered on evidence is not matching or adher...
Guest over 5 years ago in Evidence Broker 4 Not under consideration

Page Numbers are Required in Contact Log PDF Report

Currently when Contact Logs are generated into a PDF report there are no Page Numbers displayed. It is a Business Requirement to have Page Numbers displayed on the Contact Log PDF Report. Please refer to Closed Case Number TS001289050
Amber Ortman over 5 years ago in Social Program Management Platform 2 Not under consideration

One Click Navigation

Our Ministry was given a demonstration of the One Click Navigation which reduced the number of clicks a worker had to select within the application. Refer to PMR 21119999649 The One Click Navigation is an accelerator/asset provided by IBM Curam La...
Amber Ortman over 5 years ago in Social Program Management Platform 2 Not under consideration

Reference field on Person Page should not be editable

Currently, when registering a Person the Reference Field is editable where the user can enter any alpha-numeric value in this field. We are requesting an enhancement where the reference number is not visible so the person reference number would on...
Amber Ortman over 5 years ago in Social Program Management Platform 2 Not under consideration

Cognos Import should have the modified date of the file importing

During a Cognos intelligence deployment import, through the GUI there should be a timestamp of the last modified or creation date of the actual ZIP file.
Guest over 5 years ago in Business Intelligence and Analytics 1 Not under consideration

Tool to extract selective data from Curam Database using reference number.

We should be able to extract all the data using the client number (or concernroleID) from Curam database.The data extractor should include all the dynamic, static evidence, all cases and so on.
Priyabrata Behera over 5 years ago in Social Program Management Platform 2 Not under consideration

Hidden reports incorrectly showing up in recent list

When a report is hidden, the report should not be appearing in the recent report list - related to Cognos 11.1.x
Guest over 5 years ago in Business Intelligence and Analytics 1 Not under consideration

Interactive Report within Portal Viewer

Would like the Interactive options inherent with Cognos ANalytics (like dynamic client side sorting and filtering) to be available through the Portal Viewers. I opened a helpdesk on it, and was told this was because they are two reporting interfac...
Guest over 5 years ago in Business Intelligence and Analytics 4 Not under consideration