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Curam by Merative Ideas Portal

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Status Not under consideration
Categories Income Support
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 18, 2016

Application Submit Failed Errors

DC's expectation is to have data validations and display appropriate validation messages to the user on the Intake IEG Screens.
The application submission fails because of these missing data validations.
The business requirement is to provide enough information to the user on why the application submission failed. The error log messages on screen whenever application submit fails.

Customer Name District of Columbia - Washington
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Dec 6, 2016

    Request has been addressed locally and can be closed.

    Potential ability to share as a state-shared asset should other clients make similar request.

    John Sweeney
    Offering Manager
    Social Programs

  • Guest
    May 24, 2016

    Update on 05-24-16

    Updating from the comment made on May 5th.

    This is a candidate for our Q4 release this year.

  • Guest
    May 5, 2016

    Understanding the requirements outlined in RFE #87046 Application Submit Failure Errors, we recognize this as a valid enhancement request and will update status as appropriate through the RFE tool as work towards delivery of this feature progresses.

    This is the approach we are currently exploring with no release version and/or release date yet identified:


    Currently, the CGISS application script does not have the validations that are available on the evidences. Hence there are scenarios where the information from the script fails to create evidences on submission. As the CGISS script is based on IEG, the configuration needs to be updated to cater for the validations and attribute mapping to the evidences. This item is currently not on the priority list as there are other roadmap items of higher priority that are planned to be implemented, and it is possible for the customer to address the reported issue through IEG configuration updates. In addition to this, there may be additional attributes added by the customer to the script, so they can ensure that the script works end to end, including mapping information to evidences on submission.

    Based on the recent RFE submission from DC, our recommendation is to work to resolve validation issues by implementing the validations necessary to ensure that an application can be submitted with better, more intuitive messaging/notifications back to the end user.


    We do not have a target release for this feature, but the next planned release is in Q4 2016.

    Understanding the timing of the DC solution release, this Q4 release will not meet customer need and we recommend the customer should start implementing these validations now, locally, and in line with their evidence design which the OOTB implementation would not fully take into consideration.

  • Guest
    Apr 18, 2016

    Attachment (Use case): Snippets of error logs for Application Submission Failure errors from DC.