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Curam by Merative Ideas Portal

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Status Not under consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 12, 2016

Synchronisation of tab changes in expandable lists

In a list there is the option to add an inline page to it in form of an expandable list.
This inline page can contain several tabs. If the user now opens more than one expandable the situation could be that the user sees different tabs activated in different inline pages.
It turned out that this is confusing for a user and it would be better if always the same tab is displayed.
This means, given the user opens two inline pages (1 and 2) of two entries in one list and the inline page contains of tab a and tab b, changing the tab a to tab b in inline page 1 should be automatically change the inline page 2 to display tab b as well.

Customer Name Austria - Arbeitsmarktservice Osterreich (AMS)
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  • Guest
    Sep 2, 2016

    Hi Rene,

    We have evaluated your request and have determined that it cannot be implemented at this time as it does not align with our current roadmap strategy and it is therefore not something that we plan to address in-product.

    There are many cases where a user will actually want to click and view different tabs within different expanded list items so we do not see a business benefit for this enhancement request.
    If a customer really wants to do this they would have to add their own custom Javascript to the UIM pages containing the expandable lists.

    Your request may be resubmitted for consideration after 12 months from the date of decline.

    Thank you for your interest in the Cúram product.
    Eloise O'Riordan, Cúram SPM Offering Management team

  • Guest
    Aug 23, 2016

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